Friday, March 6, 2009

Gossip Girl

Friday, March 6, 2009
This show reminds me a lot of The OC. Lots of pretty, rich people who know and own their location, similar characters. Blair/Serena/Dan/Marissa/Summer/Seth. Central blonde and brunette female characters, central brunette male characters (although Ryan was more of a blonde and Nate is a brunette, a Zac Efron look alike). Lilly van der Woodsen reminds me of Kirsten Cohen. Rufus Humphrey close to Sandy, Jenny Humphrey and Kaitlin Cooper. I miss The OC. Maybe it's time to rewatch it. The two are comparable, for sure. Too bad I've already picked out my topic for the Long Live TV final (I got bored during colloquia yesterday and started working on it...nerd alert).

Vanessa is supposed to be wicked pale and bald, not a Latina with hair. The girl playing her looks almost like a tan version of Samaire Armstrong (Anna from The OC...coincidence?).


  1. Willa Holland plays Jenny's friend in season two of GG!

    Lilly vdW is totally The OC mommy's twin, and I never thought about it before now, but Rufus is TOTALLY Sandy!

    I never really liked The OC but I am obsessed with GG.

    Random bullet points are fun.

    Love, Chess.

  2. I LOVE WILLA HOLLAND. She's beautiful. And brunette.

    I loved The OC. Love love loved it. I watched all 4 seasons when they first aired and I also have them all on DVD. I rewatched the series this summer and I think it's time to rewatch it again. What didn't you like about it?


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