Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I never want to end up like this.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
This guy owns 500 cats. He has his own ranch. Of cats. A thirty acre ranch. There are cat sized buildings. A town hall, a church, a guard shack, an inn (cabins around a giant puddle that acts as a lake) and a Wal-Mart. FOR CATS. HE HAS 500 CATS.

I don't know how I feel about this. Allison showed me the website and I couldn't speak in complete sentences. I'm kind of in shock. I understand being lonely after your son moves out, but really? Five hundred? With a Wal-Mart? What's inside the Wal-Mart? Can the cats shop? Do they have shopping carts?

I want a tiger but I don't want a tiger sized Wal-Mart.

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