Wednesday, March 4, 2009

No pants!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
I declare today "No Pants Wednesday." I'm wearing leggings and a t-shirt. Over in Italy, Jocelyn is wearing leggings and a sweater. It's global, guys. No pants. "Sometimes I just don't wear pants, because I'm crazy."

We had Harry Potter read aloud night last night. We read the first chapter of the first book because Molly has never read the series. I don't really remember being read to as a child. I know my mom did it, because I learned to read when I was three or so, but I know I was that kid that yelled "MOM I DON'T WANT TO GO TO BED YET, I'M STILL READING, LET ME FINISH THIS CHAPTER. BUT MOM. I'M REEEEEADING. I HAVE TO FINISH THIS CHAPTER!" I think that's one of the reasons I watch so much television now. Because all I did when I was little was read and play outside.

Also, to tie this all together, I wore a lot of leggings when I was little.

OH, and apparently Jocelyn learned to read when she was three, and we were three when we met. Our moms worked together. So we probably sat together and read while wearing leggings.


  1. Probs! When I wasn't being a bitchy child about my coloring book.

  2. There's an unofficial day in the city that celebrates no pants. They take off their pants before they go on the Subway.


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