Monday, March 2, 2009

Top movies/shows

Monday, March 2, 2009
AFI's Top 100 Movies, as of 2007

I've seen 14 from the original 1988 list and 17 from the 100th anniversary list from 2007.

I'm a horrible VM major, apparently. I've never seen It's a Wonderful Life, any Godfather movie, or The Graduate. Let's see if there's a top TV shows list.

Found one. Top 100 TV shows according to Time. I've seen at least 3 episodes of 24 of the shows.

Wait. Why is Charlie Brown Christmas on there?

This is a better least 3 episodes of 23 of the shows, at least 1 episode of 39 of the shows.

Wow. Considering TV is supposed to be my major...that sucks.


  1. I have never seen those movies either and I have no interest whatsoever. Go us!

  2. 61 out of 100. Go me! I guess I have my family's overwatching of tv growing up to thank.


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