Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I sound like a broken exhaust pipe. While my head/stomach aches are gone, anything nose/throat related remains. My cough is disgusting. My dad kept yelling at me to get medicine, so the other day I went to CVS and got the CVS brand version of NyQuil and DayQuil. The daytime medication is orange and syrupy and tastes like citrus on crack. A little gross, but doable. I took a shot of it before Queer class yesterday and I think I got a little tipsy off it. Oops. The nighttime medication, however, is thinner and an ominous dark green; the label calls it "original flavor." (The daytime label had no flavor claims.) "Original flavor," I found out, means black licorice mixed with a hint of blue (yes, blue; I see and taste things in colors sometimes) and a splash of death. It was disgusting. I think I gagged after taking it, even after I gulped down a cup of water.

It does manage to knock me out, though. Yesterday I ignored both alarms and still had trouble opening my eyes at nine AM because the medication hadn't worn off yet. At around four this morning, I had to get up and it took five minutes of motivational thinking and every ounce of energy I had to get my body out of bed. When I got back into bed, I felt the need to snuggle and wound up falling asleep hugging my pillow.

How long is cold medicine supposed to last? Because at the rate I'm going, the daytime bottle is going to be finished by the end of today.


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