Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Oh, Parm.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Heather: bird outside my window!
Jocelyn: oo
Heather: always makes me feel like a disney princess.
Jocelyn: sing to it

Jocelyn: when i lived in wareham i played "touch the bus" and .. tripped

Jocelyn: im going to start calling the cape the cod
Heather: HAHA
Heather: why
Jocelyn: because i just thought thats what someones status said
Jocelyn: but i read it wrong
Jocelyn: and i was like, haha.. the cod

Jocelyn: hahaah i also just thought an article was titled:
Jocelyn: black president... how does that happen?
Jocelyn: but it was how does CHANGE happen
Jocelyn: oo cnn.. that was a close one

Jocelyn: i just went to "like" your blog entry
Jocelyn: oh facebook.


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