Monday, June 1, 2009

Voldemort has chosen Draco Malfoy for a mission.

Monday, June 1, 2009

That trailer makes me fangasm.

I usually hate when books are made into films because key points are usually lost or mistranslated, and the HP movies are no exception. However, the fourth and fifth movies (and most likely the 6th) are gorgeous; even though there are things missing and certain characters are overshadowed, the movies are fabulous in terms of cinematography. It's just one more thing that makes HP superior to Twilight--so much production goes into the movies and they're not just banged out in order to get money.

Also, I just love Maggie Smith and Helena Bonham Carter.

1 comment:

  1. ahhh summer blockbusters ahhhh
    I still can't decide whether this is my favorite movie season or November-December


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