Thursday, March 12, 2009


Thursday, March 12, 2009
People keep telling me I have really good beach hair.

We just had a giant breakfast of pancakes, eggs with peppers, fruit, and juice. Now everyone is just kind of packing up and getting ready. Some people are doing dishes, others are putting away cots. I love fruit. Molly and I got a pineapple and it was wicked juicy and delicious (as is most of the fruit here). I think we're stopping somewhere so we can buy beach towels and apparently there are sombreros. I'm going to be tempted to get one. Especially since I keep thinking we're in freaking Mexico and not the United States. I saw a Family Dollar store and actually said "Oh, we have those in the States." WE'RE STILL IN THE STATES.

Allison, I really am going to be 5 shades browner. Chess, I have things to tell you.

El Fin.

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