Monday, May 25, 2009

Go on, grab your hat and fetch your camera. Go on, film the world before it happens.

Monday, May 25, 2009
1. New obsession: Game Show Network. Jessika came over on Friday and we watched 7 or so hours of GSN, with two random hours of Food Network in between. Word games and Family Feud are the best shows because you can yell answers at the TV.

2. Dollhouse is getting better, like I knew it would. SO MANY people were quick to make judgment during/after the pilot, forgetting that Whedon sometimes takes a little while to sink into a story. The first few episodes of Buffy weren't amazing. Whedon himself said the show wouldn't start picking up until a few episodes in; I'm on the fourth or so episode and the story is definitely getting better.

3. The Real Chance girls on Charm School are annoying and I'm glad one of them went home. The Rock of Love Bus girls are bitchy, sure, but at least they don't scream.

4. Target is having a TV on DVD sale and I picked up S1 of I Love Lucy and S1 and S2 of Mary Tyler Moore.

5. Saw a Harry Potter preview last night. Freaked out. Still trying to reread the books; almost done with Chamber of Secrets.

6. Also saw a preview for My Sister's Keeper. Still wicked angry that Cameron Diaz is playing Sara. Ugh.


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