Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Cedric Diggory died and became this.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Other pictures here.

Still undecided about whether or not I'll see New Moon in theatres.


  1. They're painted on. But you're still going to see New Moon with me when you get back from LA. So. Be ready. <3

  2. That must have been when Carlisle changed him. After he died in harry potter. The Spanish flu story is all liiiiieeeesss. =P

  3. Ha. You're totally going to see it in theatres.
    Seeing movies in LA is weird because they actually sell out (not just the big ones) and you can't find a seat even when you get there early. It's no independence mall.
    But I won't pay LA prices to see New Moon. I'm going USC ghetto theater.


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