Saturday, May 2, 2009

"He's the DEVIL!"

Saturday, May 2, 2009
The EVVY Awards Dinner Show is tonight. Production Week, aka Hell Week, started Monday, as did the last week of classes. We're all exhausted; the tech team, production staff, and talent have been working hard all week, trying to get stuff done while juggling classes and everything else. I spent almost all day yesterday on campus (a little after 9 am to almost 11, and came home for a 2ish hour block around dinner time) and I don't know how long I'll be there today. But for whatever reason, I really like doing this. I like being involved in the preproduction instead of the tech team, and I like working as an AP for people. I just wish I could spend tomorrow resting and relaxing instead of writing the two papers.

Now I have to call the hosts and correspondent and tell them that their call time is now half an hour earlier than we thought.


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