Friday, February 27, 2009

Good job, Beacon.

Friday, February 27, 2009


So City Council President Mike Ross wants to require local colleges to help the city figure out if more than four students are living in apartment, because it seems that since the city passed its five-students-and-you're-out regulation, not a single student swarm has been broken up, since ISD can't legally tell who's a student and who isn't.

Paul Flannery passes along word that the student paper at Emerson editorialized that this is just the sort of thing Hitler would have done:

Suppose some Boston city councilor proposed to ban more than four gay people from living together, claiming that such large gatherings of gays was a public nuisance. Or imagine if a councilor proposed such a Gestapo-like imposition on the city's Jews, or such a nouveau-Jim-Crow decree on Boston's blacks. ...

If the council president is serious about his cap on coed cohabitation, history provides a number of examples from effective tyrants. For instance, forget forcing colleges to report off-campus students' addresses. Hitler had Warsaw's Jews wear armbands for easy identification by the SS. Tattoos were effective, too.

Yeah, that's just what the son of a man who survived ten Nazi concentration camps while the rest of his family was wiped out would do. But, hey, Emerson teaches kids how to be DJs on indie FM stations, not how to do research or make rational arguments.

Good job, Berkeley Beacon! Comparing people to Hitler always goes well.


  1. I think he was probably going for the shock factor, but still. Hitler, really?

  2. are you stopping lj? :(


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