Monday, April 27, 2009


Monday, April 27, 2009
One of the things that annoys me most in the world: "I give up on boys. I wish I were a lesbian. [Interchangeable with 'Maybe I should become a lesbian.'] Then everything would be easier."

Wrong. Completely wrong.

Another thing that annoys me: When people get in my way when I'm walking down the street. More specifically, when two people manage to take up a whole damn sidewalk.

Makes me wish I had a taser.


  1. Ahh ditto to both. I usually ask if they get hit on by women more (valid question) and then they get pissy. It helps and they never say it to you again.
    2. I've become Italian and I push people.

    And I'm adding PDA. God I hate PDA. Especially Italians. Where they just take turns kissing all over each other's face and grabbing each other's face like it's going to fall off if they let go until the train/bus/plane stops and I want to throw things at them because the sound drives me absolutely insane and I start to flip out internally. Repetitive kissing noises = my nails on a chalkboard.

    Oh hi rant.

  2. I.HATE.PDA. I also hate couples that go foodshopping together.


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